Respect Party Policies and Manifesto Details

Please note this website was created for the 2015 General Election. Due to the lack of preparation time, we have not updated this website for the 2017 Election. Why?

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

We promise to be tough to those who seek to exploit Britain's soft-touch approach to taxation, and this particularly includes those working within the financial services sector.

We support the idea of a balanced economy with industry as a key part of it an industry where the workers are properly treated and where they are guaranteed a job for life.

From the 2010 party manifesto:

Investment in the infrastructure of rural communities; healthcare, education, leisure facilities and environmental development

Regulation of the large supermarket chains to ensure that food production and food prices are in the interests of all, not the large farmers and businesses

Secure rights of tenure for small farmers and small businesses at affordable rents

Provision of finance at low interest rates for small businesses and small farmers

Grants for small farmers to switch to organic farming.

Incentives for small farmers to form co-operatives to reduce costs.

Re-establish the marketing boards.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

We believe the police need to do more to rid itself of the institutional racism that is inherent within the police so that the police and communities can begin working together on issues of collective security.

From the 2010 party manifesto:

The scrapping of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders.

Purge racists from the police and prison services.

Make the police accountable to the community.

Justice for all those who have been killed in custody.

A complete overhaul of the criminal justice system to end discrimination.

An end to police harassment and racist stop and search.

A serious attack on the causes of crime.

Build supportive communities and tackle social exclusion.

More resources for drug treatment and rehabilitation.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

Respect stands against the idea that it is acceptable to savagely cut public services whilst simultaneously renewing a gigantic but ultimately useless nuclear weapons project.

In keeping with our foreign policy that seeks to strike a more balanced foreign policy; we should stop seeking to violate the terms of the non-proliferation treaty and encourage other countries to do the same.

In line with our foreign policy, Respect is for the closure of all extra-continental military bases.

Respect believes therefore that a British foreign policy that looked more towards our own place in the world rather than focusing solely on our relationship with the old unipolar power, the USA, would be a much more sensible option.

We support the idea that Britain should leave NATO. Furthermore, NATO should be disbanded and replaced with a European Union defence organisation which does not involve the United States and which reflects the interests of its own member states.

From the 2010 Party Manifesto:

A massive cut in military spending. Disband Britain’s weapons of mass destruction, scrap nuclear weapons, decommission Trident.

Transfer resources from military to useful production, nationalise the arms industry.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

We in Respect reject the iron-clad austerity policies of the three main political parties in Britain. We need a new economic system which isn't dependent on financial services and which is constantly in thrall to the banks. But more importantly, we reject the idea that the British people have to pay for the mess that was not caused by them.

We stand against the Tories as they deflect blame away from the people who caused the financial crisis and their attempts to make poor people pay for the crimes of rich people by their savage cuts to the welfare state and their crass and mendacious attempts to turn poor people against each other.

We stand against the role of the Liberal Democrats, who are keeping the Tories in government and who are therefore complicit in their dirty work.

We stand against the Labour Party, who no longer properly stand up for the rights of working people and who are complicit in developing Britain's over-reliance with the financial services sector in the first place.

Respect stands in defence of people who have nothing to sell but their labour; those who certainly shouldn't be paying our way out of the economic crisis.

From the 2010 party manifesto:

Abolish VAT, as an indirect tax, and replace it with increased direct taxation.

Raise the top rate of income tax .

Raise the tax threshold to ensure that no one on the minimum wage pays income tax.

A big increase in corporation tax, with an additional tax on the super-profits profits of the oil companies and the banks.

A turnover tax on multinationals doing businesses in Britain.

Raise the top rate of inheritance tax whilst putting higher duties on other transfers of wealth and financial transaction.

Increased stamp duty on stocks and shares.

A crack down on tax evasion by big companies and action against offshore tax havens.

Abolish the ceiling on National Insurance contributions.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

Respect campaigns for an end to tuition fees. We stand up for the rights of students to campaign against cuts to their educational standards and for a free education from the cradle to the grave.

From the 2010 party manifesto:

A fully comprehensive school system providing a common core curriculum for all until 18. End selection. Scrap SATs and other unnecessary tests.

Education free at point of use, from pre-school to FE, to university and adult learning.

A radical reduction in class size.

A qualified teacher for every class.

Better pay for teachers and other education workers.

An end to specialist school status, schools can come together in order to share facilities and expertise where feasible.

Free after-school clubs and play centres for all that need them.

Full and part-time nursery and day-care places as a right, for all who want them.

An end to charitable status and tax breaks for private schools.

Abolish tuition fees and student loans. Free education and a living grant for all further and higher education students.

Free and life-long access for all to high quality vocational education and adult education.

Urgent action to address the underachievement of black children and others in schools.

Full involvement of teachers, parents and pupils in tackling inequality in education.

An end to the privatisation of local authority leisure services.

Stop the sale of playing fields.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

Grants and incentives for rural communities to undertake environmental protection.

A review of coastal erosion with the costs for beach and other coastal improvements to be met from direct government funding.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

Respect is in favour of a referendum on EU membership.

Respect is a pro-Europe party, but not of the EU in its present form. It is untenable to continue pretending to be a part of a union whilst pretending we would rather go it alone.

Respect will campaign to be a central part of Europe. However, we will campaign, along with our sister left-wing parties around Europe, for the EU to be a more inclusive and democratic union.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

From the 2010 Party Manifesto:

End the discrimination against women at work during pregnancy.

Extend parental leave entitlements to all employees regardless of size of workforce.

Full enforcement of equal pay legislation. Fine employers who flout this legislation.

Universal childcare in publicly-funded nurseries for the full working day, as well as after-school clubs for all children up to 11 years old.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

Our parliament, with its 600+ members, is far too large and far too expensive to sustain.

Along with our support for proportional representation, we support a large reduction in the number of members of parliament.

We are calling for a parliament that is half its present size, where MPs are paid a wage in line with careers of equivalent responsibility. Their staff should be employed by the state and not by the MP themselves.

We support the idea that 16 year olds should get the vote.

From the 2010 Party Manifesto:

The repeal of the anti-union laws, as well as the automatic right to union recognition. The right to hold trade union meetings during working hours. Employment tribunals to have the powers to enforce reinstatement and protect trade union representatives.

The minimum wage to be raised to £7.40 per hour, which is the European Union decency threshold.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

From the 2010 Party Manifesto:

A fully-funded, publicly-owned NHS, delivering care free at the point of use.

Opposition to PFI schemes; all privatised services to be brought back into the NHS.

No further closure of local hospitals or specialist units.

Bring all agencies administering care services into publicownership under NHS or local government control.

The abolition of charges for prescriptions, foot care, dentistry, eye and hearing services.

The expansion of psychiatric health services.

An expansion of training opportunities for doctors, nursing andrelated services.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

From the 2010 party manifesto:

No privatisation of council housing.

End the right to buy scheme.

Publicly-owned land should be used to build council housing, not sold off to property speculators to build houses local people can’t afford.

Provide the financial means for local authorities to invest directly in council housing.

Give council tenants, who have been forced to privatise to gain investment in their homes, the right to return to local authority ownership.

Give local authorities powers to enforce repairs and improvements on private sector landlords and ensure they are more effectively regulated.

Legislate to prevent landlords from setting excessive rents.

Abolish the Council Tax and replace it with a progressive local income tax.

Review the business rate system.

Reintroduce council house building to rural communities and stop council house sales.

Abolish council tax relief on second homes, and ensure that people can afford to live in their local area.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

Respect is in favour of a balanced and fair immigration policy.

We are in favour of an EU Referendum, in which we would campaign to remain a part of Europe.

Until then, we wholeheartedly welcome all EU migrants who seek to work hard in Britain, just as many British people work abroad.

Respect is in favour of a colour-blind points-based immigration system which is weighted in favour of those coming from Commonwealth countries to which we owe a historic debt.

From the 2010 Party Manifesto:

Migrant workers and asylum seekers to have the right to work, with the full protection of employment laws and regulations.

Defend the rights of refugees to political asylum; oppose any new legislation designed to further undermine it.

Oppose the EU’s ‘Fortress Europe’ policy.

Reinstate the right of asylum seekers to seek employment; an amnesty for all ‘illegal workers’.

End the policy of dispersal.

End the use of detention centres for asylum seekers.

End the White List of ‘safe’ countries and end deportations.

Give asylum seekers and refugees the right to food and shelter, plus access to education, health and social services.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

From the 2010 party manifesto:

Bring the railways back into public ownership, under democratic control, and integrate the railways, bus services and urban light rail.

Invest in a cheap and integrated transport system to reduce the need to use cars, making the current road-building programme unnecessary.

New road building only with the agreement of the communities affected.

More frequent passenger journeys and better staffing of stations, trains and buses (guards and conductors) to encourage people back onto public transport.

A full programme of cycle routes in our towns and cities.

Hefty taxes on company cars and on company parking spaces.

Bring air traffic control back into public ownership.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

We call for ATOS to be scrapped and for a comprehensive welfare system to be provided for those who need it.

From the 2010 Party Manifesto:

An immediate rise in the basic state pension to £110 per week for all pensioners

Restoration of the link between the state pension and average earnings.

Annual increases in the state pension in line with wages or prices, whichever is the greater.

Reduction of the age for receipt of the state pension to sixty for men and women.

Free long term care for all pensioners.

A national free travel scheme for all pensioners.

End attacks on occupational pension scheme; final salary schemes for all employees.

Statutory occupational pension schemes covering all employees in both the public and private sector with compulsory contributions by employers plus full liability by employers in the event of bankruptcy.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

We support a policy of progressive taxation, not least because providing economic relief for those in most need of it will benefit our economy in the long run.

Our workers need the basic dignity of a living wage; not just the minimum but something which assures the basic living requirements of everyone in the country.

Policies from the 2010 Party Manifesto:

End the discrimination against women at work during pregnancy.

Extend parental leave entitlements to all employees regardless of size of workforce.

Full enforcement of equal pay legislation. Fine employers who flout this legislation.

Universal childcare in publicly-funded nurseries for the full working day, as well as after-school clubs for all children up to 11 years old.

From the 2010 Party Manifesto:

End work-place discrimination on the basis of age, ethnicity, gender or life style choices.

Tougher penalties for employers who discriminate.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Respect are in favour of the following policies:

The Respect Party firmly believes that if the U.K is to truly promote peace, democracy and stability throughout the world, then it should do so through diplomatic and peaceful means.

The Respect Party was born out of the anti-war movement, which opposed the invasion and occupation of both Afghanistan and Iraq. It is clear for all to see, that both wars have proven to be a disaster for all parties involved.

The Respect Party has dedicated itself to the struggle of deterring our political elite from, ever again, deciding to invade and occupy other people's land.

We are proud to say that we are still closely associated with the Stop the War Coalition, with whom we continue to oppose foreign invasion and occupation of other people's countries.

We want Britain to move away from the foreign wars of the Coalition of the Killing and strike a policy which acts in our own national interest. We have always argued that if you make war against Muslims abroad, you will inevitably make war with them at home and this is precisely what we have done.

Oppose Islamaphobia and the demonisation of Muslim communities.

Repeal New Labour and Tory restrictions on assembly and association and all the anti-terrorism legislation.

From the 2010 party manifesto:

Cancel the third world debt, with no strings or conditions.

End the ‘structural adjustment’ conditions, which impoverish third world peoples.

For a major increase in aid spending in the impoverished countries on health education and welfare.

Introduce a tax on currency speculation.

Take action to curb the power of the multinationals.

We want a Europe free from the policies of the WTO and the IMF, free from NATO, free from foreign military bases, free from weapons of mass destruction.

Source: Respect party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

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© Copyright 2014/2025 Who Shall I Vote For? and Chris Haycock Policy scoring algorithm updated 17 March 2025 at 05:49