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Discuss - World Nuclear Weapons - Eradication of nuclear weapons from the planet

Eradication of nuclear weapons from the planet
Should all members of the UN seek to eradicate nuclear weapons from our planet?

Should all members of the UN seek to eradicate nuclear weapons from our planet?

Green Party Nuclear weapons are political weapons of terror, and are disproportionate to any threat. Further, since there is a finite possibility that the policy of nuclear deterrence will fail, and the ecological and social consequences of such a failure would be catastrophic, the deterrence system must be abandoned. The Green Party is committed to pursuing immediate and unconditional nuclear disarmament. Source: Green Party Peace Manifesto.

Labour "Labour believes that Britain should be leading international efforts for multilateral nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, while maintaining a minimum, credible independent nuclear deterrent, delivered through a Continuous At-Sea Deterrent. Following the action we took in government, it is vital that the UK continue to actively enhance momentum on global multilateral disarmament and take a lead internationally in pushing the agenda of global anti-proliferation with nuclear and non-nuclear states." - Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary, Douglas Alexander MP, and Shadow Defence Secretary, Vernon Coaker MP in a letter to David Cameron.

Liberal Democrat "In 2010, we committed to making Nuclear Weapons History. In Glasgow we agreed to take a big step down the nuclear ladder by ending continuous-at-sea-deterrence, an unnecessary hangover of the Cold War. This will give significant leverage in global nuclear weapons reductions talks in 2015 and will help us move toward s nuclear-free world." Julie Smith, Liberal Democrats

Respect Party Respect supports the abolition of the arms trade and the terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, campaigning for international nuclear disarmament. Source: Respect Party,

SNP We will continue to support the work of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his efforts through the Nuclear Weapons Convention to eradicate nuclear, chemical and biological weapons across the planet . Source: Scottish National Party 2010 Manifesto

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