Education Funding Agency Department For Education

Please note this website was created for the 2015 General Election. Due to the lack of preparation time, we have not updated this website for the 2017 Election. Why?



Department for Education


Chief Executive

Peter Lauener


Executive Agency

Contact Details

Earlsdon Park, 53-55 Butts Road, Earlsdon Park, Coventry CV1 3BH
Phone: 0370 000 2288
Email: This has been updated to our 'contact us' page



The Education Funding Agency is an executive agency of the Department for Education, responsible for the funding of education and training for children and young people between the ages of 3 and 19, and up to age 25 in the case of high needs students. The EFA funds academy trusts and a range of post 16 providers directly and also allocates funding to local authorities for them to fund maintained schools. In the case of academy trusts, the EFA has additional regulatory functions, eg on matters such as complaints. The EFA is also responsible for a range of building and maintenance programmes for schools, academies, free schools and sixth-form colleges.

Established April 2012. The first annual report for the 2012-13 financial year will be published in December 2013. The figures in this table for funding and expenditure cover grant and contractual payments by the EFA for financial year 2012-13. When the EFA's annual report is published, it will include consolidated accounts which incorporate expenditure by academy trusts. Gross expenditure in the accounts will therefore include what academies spent in 2012-13 rather than the grants paid to them. The Register of Interests entry relates to the Advisory Group of the EFA, a group whose members have been invited by the CE to advise him and his senior team on how the EFA works with, supports and regulates schools, colleges and other providers. Members are not appointed by the Secretary of State and do not advise ministers. The Board does not have a fiduciary or other responsibility for the performance of the EFA and a register of interests is not maintained for them. The CE, as a Board member of DfE, makes an annual declaration in relation to any interests he might have.

PB13 Entry FULL
PB Reform
Regulatory Function Yes
Chairs Remuneration (p.a. unless otherwise stated)
Chief Executive / Secretary Remuneration Civil Servant
Public Meetings No
Public Minutes No
Register of Interests No
Ombudsman PHSO
Last Annual Report 2012-13. 2013-14 report will be published in autumn 2014
Last Review
Audit Arrangements NAO
OCPA Regulated No

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