Please note this website was created for the 2015 General Election. Due to the lack of preparation time, we have not updated this website for the 2017 Election. Why?


There are in excess of four hundred different websites that are under the management and operation of the UK government. Here is a list of the 200+ websites that we have identified so far:

# Becta X
VISIT WEBSITEBecta X : Technology Education Platform : Becta aims to bridge the gap between technology and education together and merge the two worlds.

Active Places
VISIT WEBSITEspogo is the biggest directory of sports and fitness in the country. From local sports clubs to fitness classes, gyms and leisure centres near you, we want to help the nation exercise more.

Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee
VISIT WEBSITEARSAC advises government on the certification of doctors and dentists who want to use radioactive medicinal products on people.

Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council
VISIT WEBSITEIntroduction to Advancing administrative justice

ADMLC - UK Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling Liaison Committee
VISIT WEBSITEADMLC provides independent advice on atmospheric dispersion.

Advantage West Midlands
VISIT WEBSITEThe Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) is the department for economic growth. The department invests in skills and education to promote trade, boost innovation and help people to start and grow a business. BIS also protects consumers and reduces the impact of regulation.

Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
VISIT WEBSITEAgriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is a Levy Board which represents cattle, sheep, pigs, milk, potatoes, cereals, oilseeds and horticulture.

Alcohol Education and Research Council (AERC)
VISIT WEBSITEInforming Policy and Practice

Armed Forces Day
VISIT WEBSITEArmed Forces Day ion Saturday, 27 June 2015 is a chance for the nation to celebrate and Show its Support for Armed Forces community and the contribution it makes to our country.

Arts Council
VISIT WEBSITEArts Council England is the national development agency for the arts in England, distributing public money from the Government and the National Lottery

Attorney General
VISIT WEBSITEThe Attorney General's Office (AGO) provides legal advice and support to the Attorney General and the Solicitor General (the Law Officers) who give legal advice to government. The AGO helps the Law Officers perform other duties in the public interest, such as looking at sentences which may be too low.

Bona Vacantia Division of Treasury Solicitors
VISIT WEBSITE?Bona Vacantia? means vacant goods and is the name given to ownerless property, which by law passes to the Crown. The Treasury Solicitor acts for the Crown to administer the estates of people who die intestate (without a Will) and without known kin (entitled blood relatives) and collect the assets of dissolved companies and other various ownerless goods in England and Wales.

Border and Immigration Agency
VISIT WEBSITEUK Visas and Immigration is responsible for making millions of decisions every year about who has the right to visit or stay in the country, with a firm emphasis on national security and a culture of customer satisfaction for people who come here legally.

British Pharmacopoeia (BP)
VISIT WEBSITEThe British Pharmacopoeia contains essential information for anyone concerned with the quality of medicines, including pharmaceutical and chemical industries, quality control personnel, analysts, government regulators and academics.

VISIT WEBSITEGOV.UK - The place to find government services and information - Simpler, clearer, faster

Cabinet Office
VISIT WEBSITEWe support the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, and ensure the effective running of government. We are also the corporate headquarters for government, in partnership with HM Treasury, and we take the lead in certain critical policy areas.

Care Quality Commission
VISIT WEBSITEThe independent regulator of all health and social care services in England. The Care Quality Commission monitors, inspects and regulates hospitals, care homes, GP surgeries, dental practices and other care services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and publishes what it finds, including performance ratings to help people choose care.

Central Arbitration Committee
VISIT WEBSITEWe encourage fair and efficient arrangements in the workplace by resolving collective disputes in England, Scotland and Wales, either by voluntary agreement or, if necessary, through a legal decision.

Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI)
VISIT WEBSITEThe Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) provides protective security advice to businesses and organisations across the UK's national infrastructure. Our physical, personnel and cyber security advice helps to reduce the vulnerability of the national infrastructure to terrorism, espionage and other threats to national security.

Certification Office for Trade Unions and Employers' Organisations
VISIT WEBSITEThe Certification Officer is responsible for statutory functions relating to trade unions and employers? associations.

Charity Commission
VISIT WEBSITEWe register and regulate charities in England and Wales, to ensure that the public can support charities with confidence.

Chief Scientific Advisor
VISIT WEBSITEDefence Science and Technology (DST) works with the MOD?s Chief Scientific Adviser to make the greatest possible use of science and technology for the defence and security of the UK.

Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission
VISIT WEBSITE The Children's Commissioner for England, Dr Maggie Atkinson, promotes the views and interests of children and young people in England.

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS)
VISIT WEBSITECafcass represents children in family court cases, making sure that their voices are heard and that the decisions that are made about them are in their best interests.

Children's Workforce Development Council
VISIT WEBSITEBecome a child sponsor to help vulnerable children in the UK. Complete the child sponsorship form & change a life today!

Civil Service
VISIT WEBSITEThe Civil Service helps the government of the day develop and implement its policies as effectively as possible.

Civil Service Appeal Board
VISIT WEBSITEHow civil servants and ex-civil servants can appeal to the Civil Service Appeal Board against certain employment-related decisions.

COMEAP - Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants
VISIT WEBSITECOMEAP advises the government on all matters concerning the health effects of air pollutants.

Committee on Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
VISIT WEBSITECOC advises the government and government agencies on whether substances are likely to cause cancer.

Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment
VISIT WEBSITECOMARE advises on the health effects of natural and man-made radiation, both ionising and non-ionising.

Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COM)
VISIT WEBSITEThe Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COM) advises government on the stability of chemicals used in pesticides, pharmaceuticals and other products.

COREC red (Copyright Tribunal)
VISIT WEBSITEThe Copyright Tribunal?s primary purpose is to resolve commercial licensing disputes between copyright owners or their agents (collecting societies) and people who use copyrighted material in their business.

Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence
VISIT WEBSITEThis is the homepage of the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.

Creative Industries Marketing Toolkit
VISIT WEBSITEThe UK is a global leader in the creative industries. This website features statistics, case studies, video interviews, news and opinion pieces illustrating why the UK's creative organisations and individuals continue to attract overseas investors and trade partners. It features material from sectors including advertising, arts & culture, architecture, craft, design, fashion, games, music, publishing, TV and film.? ?

Crown Prosecution Service
VISIT WEBSITEThe CPS prosecutes criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales and exists to ensure that wrongdoers are brought to justice, victims of crime are supported and that people feel safer in their communities

Defence Blog Homepage
VISIT WEBSITEOfficial News blog of the UK Ministry of Defence

Defence Image Database
VISIT WEBSITEWelcome to Defence Imagery, an official Ministry of Defence website. View the latest Defence imagery from home and abroad, and download thousands of high resolution images free of charge.

Defence News Imagery
VISIT WEBSITEWelcome to Defence Imagery, an official Ministry of Defence website. View the latest Defence imagery from home and abroad, and download thousands of high resolution images free of charge.

Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
VISIT WEBSITEThe Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) ensures that innovative science and technology contribute to the defence and security of the UK.

Defence Support Group
VISIT WEBSITEThe Defence Support Group brings together under one organisation the merged ABRO and DARA business units. eBy joining forces, we will provide a flexible, responsive, operationally excellent organisation that delivers cost competitive in-house maintenance, repair, overhaul and upgrade capability to support the air and land systems of the UK Armed Forces.

Defra - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
VISIT WEBSITEWe are the UK government department responsible for policy and regulations on environmental, food and rural issues.

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
VISIT WEBSITEThe Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) is the department for economic growth. The department invests in skills and education to promote trade, boost innovation and help people to start and grow a business. BIS also protects consumers and reduces the impact of regulation.

Department for Communities and Local Government
VISIT WEBSITEThe Department for Communities and Local Government's job is to create great places to live and work, and to give more power to local people to shape what happens in their area.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
VISIT WEBSITEThe Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) is here to help make Britain the world?s most creative and exciting place to live, visit and do business. We protect and promote our cultural and artistic heritage and help businesses and communities to grow by investing in innovation and highlighting Britain as a fantastic place to visit. Alongside this, we protect our deeply held beliefs in freedom and equality. We help to give the UK a unique advantage in the global race for economic success.

Department for Education
VISIT WEBSITEThe Department for Education is responsible for education and children?s services in England. We work to achieve a highly educated society in which opportunity is equal for children and young people, no matter what their background or family circumstances.

Department for International Development
VISIT WEBSITEThe Department for International Development (DFID) leads the UK?s work to end extreme poverty. We're ending the need for aid by creating jobs, unlocking the potential of girls and women and helping to save lives when humanitarian emergencies hit.

Department for Transport
VISIT WEBSITEWe work with our agencies and partners to support the transport network that helps the UK?s businesses and gets people and goods travelling around the country. We plan and invest in transport infrastructure to keep the UK on the move.

Department for Work and Pensions
VISIT WEBSITEThe Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy. As the UK?s biggest public service department it administers the State Pension and a range of working age, disability and ill health benefits to over 22 million claimants and customers.

Department of Energy and Climage Change
VISIT WEBSITEThe Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) works to make sure the UK has secure, clean, affordable energy supplies and promote international action to mitigate climate change.

DH: Department of Health
VISIT WEBSITEThe Department of Health (DH) helps people to live better for longer. We lead, shape and fund health and care in England, making sure people have the support, care and treatment they need, with the compassion, respect and dignity they deserve.

Digital Television
VISIT WEBSITEUK Government Digital Television Switchover Information

VISIT WEBSITEGOV.UK - The place to find government services and information - Simpler, clearer, faster

Directly Operated Railways
VISIT WEBSITEWelcome to Directly Operated Railways, a unique company created by the Government to oversee the management and development of the East Coast franchise until it is re-let to a new private operator.

Disposal Services Authority
VISIT WEBSITEWe protect the security, independence and interests of our country at home and abroad. We work with our allies and partners whenever possible. Our aim is to ensure that the armed forces have the training, equipment and support necessary for their work, and that we keep within budget.

VISIT WEBSITEThe DA Notice system is a voluntary code that provides guidance to the British media on the publication or broadcasting of national security information. The objective is to prevent inadvertent public disclosure of information that would compromise UK military and intelligence operations and methods

East of England Research and Development Sub Unit
VISIT WEBSITEEast of England Research Development and Support Unit: supporting NHS researchers and organisations to build research capacity through consultative advice, training, research networks and collaborative research.

Environment Agency
VISIT WEBSITEWe work to create better places for people and wildlife, and support sustainable development.

European Health Insurance Card
VISIT WEBSITEThe European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which replaced the old E111 in 2006, lets you get free or reduced-cost healthcare in Europe. Apply for free online here.

Export Credits Guarantee Department & Advisory Council
VISIT WEBSITEWe are the UK?s export credit agency. We help UK exporters by providing insurance to exporters and guarantees to banks to share the risks of providing export finance. In addition, we can make loans to overseas buyers of goods and services from the UK. UK Export Finance is the operating name of the Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD).

FCO Services
VISIT WEBSITEWelcome to FCO Services: Protective security, secure logistics, secure communications and global estate management, vetting, translation and interpreting

Football Licensing Authority
VISIT WEBSITEThe Sports Grounds Safety Authority was established to build on the success of the Football Licensing Authority. In our new role, we will continue to carry out our statutory functions under the Football Spectators Act 1989 in England and Wales, and expand our advisory functions in relation to other sports and internationally

Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO)
VISIT WEBSITEThe FCO promotes the United Kingdom's interests overseas, supporting our citizens and businesses around the globe.

Forestry Commission
VISIT WEBSITEThe Forestry Commission is the government department responsible for the protection and expansion of the woods and forests of England and Scotland.

Forestry Commission Research
VISIT WEBSITEForest Research is the research agency of the Forestry Commission. We are the foremost organisation in the UK for forestry-related research.

Funding Central
VISIT WEBSITEFunding Central is a free smart website for the whole voluntary and community sector, including social enterprise.

Government Actuary's Department
VISIT WEBSITEGAD provides actuarial analysis to the public sector from the public sector.

Government Equalities Office
VISIT WEBSITEImproving equality and reducing discrimination and disadvantage for all at work, in public and political life, and in people?s life chances.

Government Legal Service
VISIT WEBSITELawyers in the Government Legal Service provide legal advice to the government and represent it in court proceedings.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
VISIT WEBSITEAdvice, guidance, news, templates, tools, legislation, publications from Great Britain's independent regulator for work-related health, safety and illness; HSE

Health for Work Adviceline for Small Businesses
VISIT WEBSITEFree professional advice for small businesses from the NHS Plus Health for Work Adviceline - Reduce short and long term staff absences in your business and improve business performance.

High Speed 2
VISIT WEBSITEHigh Speed Two (HS2) Limited is the company responsible for developing and promoting the UK?s new high speed rail network. It is funded by grant-in-aid from the government.

Highways Agency
VISIT WEBSITEWe operate, maintain and improve the strategic road network in England.

HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate
VISIT WEBSITEHMCPSI is the independent Inspectorate for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Inspection reports produced by HMCPSI are available here.

HM Revenue & Customs
VISIT WEBSITEWe are the UK?s tax authority. We are responsible for making sure that the money is available to fund the UK?s public services and for helping families and individuals with targeted financial support.

HM Treasury
VISIT WEBSITEHM Treasury is the government?s economic and finance ministry, maintaining control over public spending, setting the direction of the UK?s economic policy and working to achieve strong and sustainable economic growth.

Home Office
VISIT WEBSITEThe Home Office leads on immigration and passports, drugs policy, crime policy and counter-terrorism and works to ensure visible, responsive and accountable policing in the UK.

Homes and Communities Agency
VISIT WEBSITEThe Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) helps create successful communities by making more homes and business premises available to the residents and businesses who need them. We also regulate social housing providers in England.

Horserace Betting Levy Board
VISIT WEBSITEInformation relating to the responsibilities and activities of the Horserace Betting Levy Board - a UK Government body.

HPA - Health Protection Agency
VISIT WEBSITEWe protect and improve the nation's health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities.

Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA)
VISIT WEBSITEInformation about IVF and fertility treatments in the UK from HFEA, an independent regulator licensing fertility clinics and overseeing human embryo research in the UK.

Independent Case Examiner
VISIT WEBSITEThe Independent Case Examiner (ICE) reviews complaints made by users of certain government agencies and businesses that deal with benefits and financial support.

Independent Reconfiguration Panel
VISIT WEBSITEThe Independent Reconfiguration Panel is the independent expert on NHS service change.

Insolvency Service
VISIT WEBSITEWe administer compulsory company liquidations and personal bankruptcies and deal with misconduct through investigation of companies and enforcement. We also make redundancy payments.

Investigatory Powers Tribunal
VISIT WEBSITEThe IPT exists to investigate complaints about conduct by various public bodies, in relation to you, your property or communications

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
VISIT WEBSITEInnovate UK is the new name for the Technology Strategy Board.

Land Registry
VISIT WEBSITEWe register the ownership of land and property in England and Wales.

Learning Record Service
VISIT WEBSITEWe fund skills training for further education (FE) in England. We support over 1,000 colleges, private training organisations, and employers with more than ?4 billion of funding each year.

Legal Services Board
VISIT WEBSITEThe Legal Services Board is the independent body responsible for overseeing the regulation of lawyers in England and Wales.

Legal Services Commission
VISIT WEBSITEWe provide civil and criminal legal aid and advice in England and Wales. Each year we help more than 2 million people to deal with their legal problems.

Local Government Finance Information for Local Authorities
VISIT WEBSITEThis collection brings together all documents relating to the final local government finance settlement: England, 2014 to 2015.

Local Government Ombudsman
VISIT WEBSITEIf you have a problem with a council service, you should first complain to the council. But if you are still not satisfied, we may be able to help. Click here for more information on how to complain ? or call our helpline.

Lowpay Commision
VISIT WEBSITEThe Low Pay Commission (LPC) is an independent body that advises the government about the National Minimum Wage.

Manufacturing Advisory Service (BIS)
VISIT WEBSITEThe Manufacturing Advisory Service (mas) provides manufacturing business support for companies based in England, helping them to improve and grow.

Marine Management Organisation
VISIT WEBSITEWe license, regulate and plan marine activities in the seas around England and Wales so that they're carried out in a sustainable way.

Met Office
VISIT WEBSITEMet Office weather and climate change forecasts for the UK and worldwide. World leading weather services for the public, business, and government.

MI5 (The Security Service)
VISIT WEBSITEThe Security Service (MI5) is a British intelligence agency working to protect the UK's national security against threats such as terrorism and espionage.

Ministry of Defence (MOD)
VISIT WEBSITEWe protect the security, independence and interests of our country at home and abroad. We work with our allies and partners whenever possible. Our aim is to ensure that the armed forces have the training, equipment and support necessary for their work, and that we keep within budget.

Money Advice Service
VISIT WEBSITEThe Money Advice Service helps you manage your money better. Use our Health Check tool, calculators and comparison tables to make the most of your finances.

Monitor - Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts
VISIT WEBSITEAs the sector regulator for health services in England, Monitor's job is to make the health sector work better for patients.

National Advice Service for Researchers (RDDirect) (NHS)
VISIT WEBSITEThe premiere site to find and share information on grant funding.

National Archives
VISIT WEBSITEThe official archive of the UK government. Our vision is to lead and transform information management, guarantee the survival of today's information for tomorrow and bring history to life for everyone.

National Employer Advisory Board (SABRE reserves)
VISIT WEBSITESaBRE - Information on employing Reservists, support, events, training skills & more. Find out about being a British volunteer reserve or employing a Reservist.

National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA)
VISIT WEBSITE??Nesta is an innovation charity that helps people and organisations bring great ideas to life. See what we?re funding and find tips to help you innovate.

National Forest Company
VISIT WEBSITEThe National Forest is a forest in the making, transforming 200 square miles in the centre of England. It is an inspiring example for the country, in the face of climate change; a place of enjoyment and learning; for quiet relaxation and active leisure; and provides new and sustainable livelihoods.

National Lottery Commission
VISIT WEBSITEThe National Lottery Commission is responsible for licensing and regulating the National Lottery. We protect the integrity of the Lottery; protect players; and maximise funds to good causes. We also run the competition for the licence and select the operator of the Lottery. The National Lottery Commission is a Non-Departmental Public Body, sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

National Police Improvement Agency
VISIT WEBSITENPIA will support the police service by providing expertise in areas as diverse as information and communications technology, support to information and intelligence sharing, core police processes, managing change and recruiting, developing and deploying people.

Natural England
VISIT WEBSITEMaths Teaching Professional Development Portal

Northern Ireland Office
VISIT WEBSITEWe ensure the smooth working of the devolution settlement in Northern Ireland. We represent Northern Irish interests within the UK government and we represent the UK government in Northern Ireland.

NOS Directory
VISIT WEBSITENational Occupational Standards (NOS) are statements of the standards of performance individuals must achieve when carrying out functions in the workplace, together with specifications of the underpinning knowledge and understanding.

Number 10
VISIT WEBSITE10 Downing Street is the official residence and the office of the British Prime Minister. The office helps the Prime Minister to establish and deliver the government's overall strategy and policy priorities, and to communicate the government's policies to Parliament, the public and international audiences.

Office for Fair Access (OFFA)
VISIT WEBSITEOFFA - Office for Fair Access. Promoting and safeguarding fair access to higher education.

Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills
VISIT WEBSITEOfsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children?s Services and Skills. We inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

Office of Manpower Economics / NHS Pay Review Body
VISIT WEBSITEThe Office of Manpower Economics provides an independent secretariat to eight Pay Review Bodies which make recommendations impacting 2.5 million workers ? around 45% of public sector staff ? and a pay bill of ?100 billion.

Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation
VISIT WEBSITEThe Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) regulates qualifications, examinations and assessments in England and vocational qualifications in Northern Ireland.

Office of Rail Regulation
VISIT WEBSITEThe Office of Rail Regulation is the independent safety and economic regulator for Britain's railways

Office of the Advocate General for Scotland
VISIT WEBSITEThe Office of the Advocate General (OAG) is the UK government's Scottish legal team. We provide legal advice, drafting and litigation services to the UK government in relation to Scotland. We also support the Advocate General in his role as a Law Officer.

Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC)
VISIT WEBSITEThe Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) regulates immigration advisers, ensuring they are fit and competent and act in the best interest of their clients.

Official Legislation Website
VISIT WEBSITEThe official home of UK legislation, revised and as enacted 1267-present. This website is managed by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government. Publishing all UK legislation is a core part of the remit of Her Majesty?s Stationery Office (HMSO), part of The National Archives, and the Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.

VISIT WEBSITEOn 1 October 2011, Ofcom took over regulation of the UK?s postal services from the previous regulator Postcomm. Ofcom is responsible for safeguarding the universal postal service which includes a six day per week, one price goes anywhere postal service throughout the UK. This section contains all of Ofcom?s publications on post and archived documents from Postcomm.

Red Tape Challenge
VISIT WEBSITEIt's time to fight back and cut red tape - we need your help It's time to fight back and cut red tape - we need your help

Royal Mint
VISIT WEBSITEOrder limited edition collector coins and gifts online at the Royal Mint. The Royal Mint coin collection includes gold, silver, commemorative collectable coins and medals

Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition
VISIT WEBSITEThe Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) advises Public Health England and other government agencies and departments on nutrition and related health issues.

Scotland Office
VISIT WEBSITEWe ensure the smooth working of the devolution settlement in Scotland. We represent Scottish interests within the UK government and we represent the UK government in Scotland.

Serious Fraud Office
VISIT WEBSITEWe are the Serious Fraud Office (SFO); an independent Government department that investigates and prosecutes serious or complex fraud, and corruption.

Serious Organised Crime Agency
VISIT WEBSITEThe NCA's mission is to lead the UK's fight to cut serious and organised crime.

Sport England
VISIT WEBSITESport England is focused on helping people and communities across the country create a sporting habit for life.

Stabilisation Unit
VISIT WEBSITEThe Stabilisation Unit is a tri-departmental operational agency supporting government efforts to tackle instability overseas.

Technology Strategy Board
VISIT WEBSITEInnovate UK is the new name for the Technology Strategy Board.

The Information Authority
VISIT WEBSITEWe fund skills training for further education (FE) in England. We support over 1,000 colleges, private training organisations, and employers with more than ?4 billion of funding each year.

The Official Website of The British Monarchy
VISIT WEBSITEThe official website of the British Monarchy. Information on the history of the Monarchy, today's royal family and the Royal Art and Residences

The Pensions Regulator (TPR)
VISIT WEBSITEInformation & guidance on work-based DB & DC schemes plus new pension rules & auto enrolment - The Pensions Regulator

Think U Know - (Child Safety Online Campaign)
VISIT WEBSITEGuide to internet safety and safe surfing for young people from Think U Know. Learn about online safety when using blogs, chatting, online gaming, P2P and other forms of technology like mobiles.

Treasury Solicitor's Department
VISIT WEBSITEWe are a non-ministerial government department providing legal services to the majority of central government departments, often representing government departments and other publicly funded bodies in England and Wales. Within government, we contribute to legislation and advise on employment law, for example, in the civil service. We enable the government to operate effectively within the rule of law.

UK Advisory Network
VISIT WEBSITEUKTI works with UK based businesses to ensure their success in international markets through exports. We encourage and support overseas companies to look at the UK as the best place to set up or expand their business.

UK and Afghanistan
VISIT WEBSITEUK and Afghanistan: UK Government's Afghanistan website

UK anti-doping in sport
VISIT WEBSITEUK Anti-Doping functions include an education and information programme, athlete testing across more than 40 sports, intelligence management and exclusive results management authority for the determination of anti-doping rule violations

UK Commission for Employment and Skills
VISIT WEBSITEWe are a publicly funded, industry-led organisation that offers guidance on skills and employment issues in the UK.

UK Defence Standardisation
VISIT WEBSITEUK Defence Standardization Website. Home of Standardization for the UK Ministry of Defence. Team Leader: Peter Kidd. International Standardization: Dave Wilkinson. Registration required.

UK Hydrographic Office
VISIT WEBSITEThe United Kingdom Hydrographic Office is the power behind the Admiralty brand of global navigational products and services

UK Sport
VISIT WEBSITEUK Sport works in partnership to lead Olympic and Paralympic sport in the UK to World Class Success.

UK Trade & Investment Website
VISIT WEBSITEUKTI works with UK based businesses to ensure their success in international markets through exports. We encourage and support overseas companies to look at the UK as the best place to set up or expand their business.

UK visas
VISIT WEBSITEUK Visas and Immigration is responsible for making millions of decisions every year about who has the right to visit or stay in the country, with a firm emphasis on national security and a culture of customer satisfaction for people who come here legally.

UKTI South East
VISIT WEBSITEUKTI works with UK based businesses to ensure their success in international markets through exports. We encourage and support overseas companies to look at the UK as the best place to set up or expand their business.

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
VISIT WEBSITEThe UK Atomic Energy Authority carries out fusion research in the UK on behalf of the government and manages the JET fusion project on behalf of the EU at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE).

Veterans-UK Information Portal
VISIT WEBSITEVeterans UK administers the armed forces pension schemes and compensation payments for those injured or bereaved through service.

Wales Office
VISIT WEBSITEWe ensure the smooth working of the devolution settlement in Wales, representing the UK government in Wales. We also represent Welsh interests in Westminster.

Warning, Advice and Reporting Point (WARP)
VISIT WEBSITEProtecting our information infrastructures. Providing a trusted environment where members of a community can enhance their information security by sharing problems and solutions

Westminster Foundation for Democracy
VISIT WEBSITEEstablished in 1992, WFD is an independent public body sponsored by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

2015 General Election Guides

2015 Election Guide

Information about what to expect at the general election 2015, including timetable of events, results and guides.

Watch Politics

Watch political debates, party political broadcasts, PMQ's and interviews with party candidates and MPs.

City Outlook

How does your city compare with others across the UK, including population, employment and earnings.

UK Constituencies

Find out more about your local constituency, including local information, polls and MPs.

Alliance Conservative Democratic Unionist Green Party Labour Liberal Democrat Plaid Cymru Respect Scottish National Party UKIP

© Copyright 2014/2025 Who Shall I Vote For? and Chris Haycock Policy scoring algorithm updated 17 March 2025 at 05:49