Party Policies Compare Alliance policies against Scottish National policies

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Opposing steep cuts in UK public spending, including seeking to exempt Northern Ireland from cuts as far as possible in return for local commitment to reform.

Alliance believes that if the economic recovery is going to benefit everybody, every community in Northern Ireland must be fulfilling its economic potential. This means that as well as investing in big projects, we must invest in town centres, high streets, local districts and urban villages. These are usually the economic heart of communities across Northern Ireland and need support to ensure that all parts of Northern Ireland are involved in economic growth.

Unfortunately, the high street will not be the same as it has been in the past and we will need to reconsider what we want it to look like. This will mean a mix of shops, cafes and restaurants, residential properties and non-retail businesses. This will help to ensure vibrant community economies despite trends towards out-of-town retail centres and internet shopping.

Reforms to business rates to make it easier for entrepreneurs to establish a business in vacant premises, such as scrapping business rates for the first year for a new business.

Support for Business Improvement Districts, whereby businesses fund regeneration in their area through a levy on business rates.

Some reforms due to take place in the Assembly, such as the introduction of Business Improvement Districts, will create structures that allow community business interests to be developed. We will seek to maximise these.

Alliance would support legislation to separate retail banking from investment banking.

Alliance supports the call for a differential rate of Corporation Tax for Northern Ireland, ideally at 12.5%.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Our key policy commitments include:

Encouraging greater co-operation and co-ordination between the criminal justice agencies tackling undue delay and the speed of justice, including working to agreed and shared targets;

Providing new alternative to prosecutions for low-level offences;

Delivering comprehensive reform of the legal aid system, including full provision of adequate funding and other resources to the disadvantaged in society, ensuring equality of access to justice for all;

Reviewing strategies for assisting victims and witnesses within the criminal justice system and the development of a Victims' Code of Practice;

Developing a formal set of guidelines on sentencing and on the enforcement of judgements, through the creation of a Northern Ireland Sentencing Guidelines Council;

Facilitating of collaborative working between statutory and non-statutory agencies to drive down offending and re-offending rates;

Creating a Northern Ireland Offender Management Strategy;

Reviewing the conditions of detention, management and oversight of all prisons;

Producing a five-year community safety strategy;

Rationalising District Policing Partnerships and Community Safety Partnerships, ideally as part of wider community planningdevelopments;

Developing and resourcing of an active strategy to engage with communities to commence and support a process for the removal of so-called 'peace-walls';

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance will support a Strategic Defence Review. We believe that the balance of investment in the armed services needs to change to reflect the different challenges of peacekeeping and peacemaking.

Alliance believes that no serviceman or woman should be sent into conflict on less basic pay than the starting salary of a police constable.

There are pressing demands for investment in armoured protection and transport for troops and in the pay and living standards for service personnel and their families.

We would ensure taxpayers' money is spent more effectively on equipping the armed forces for the tasks of the future, not past threats. There is also a need for greater support and services for returning service personnel and also for their families.

Alliance has seen no evidence to suggest that the like-for-like renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system is necessary or cost-effective. Alliance believes that other approaches can be found to ensure the nuclear security of the United Kingdom with a different focus to reflect the security challenges of the future rather than refighting the Cold War.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance is committed in principle to abolishing tuition fees for Northern Ireland students, as in Scotland, at the earliest opportunity.

Setting a minimum target of 20% of children in integrated education by 2020, backed up by legislation which will make it easier to establish new integrated schools and help other schools to integrate.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance is a pro-environmental party. We believe that tackling climate change is a priority and that the new district Councils should be at the forefront of this. We have a long record of supporting groups who wish to take action in their communities and arguing for investment at a district level. We are proud of our environmental record and will be the most active party on your Council on these issues.

Alliance believe that one of the most important tasks for the new Councils will be to improve the amount of waste that Councils recycle- making sure that we are not throwing out items that can be recycled and always looking to reduce the amount of rubbish that is sent to landfill. This is one of the simplest ways we can reduce our impact on the environment.

Alliance supports regional, national, European and international efforts to protect the environment. Alliance supports the implementation of the Rio and Kyoto Treaties. Although the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit 'recognises' the scientific case for keeping temperature rises to no more than 2°C, there was no commitment to legally binding, timely emissions reductions to achieve that goal.

Alliance will work for Sustainable Development at all levels of government. Protecting the environment and developing our economy are not mutually exclusive, but interdependent. This is reflected in the concept of sustainable development, as it recognises the links between economic, social and environmental concerns. It is about balancing all of these needs.

Alliance endorses the 'polluter pays' principle. This means that those who pollute more should pay more and provides a financial incentive to pollute less. We support a shift in taxation towards pollution and resource depletion. Consistent with the 'polluter pays' principle, the use of market forces can contribute to the protection of the environment.

Alliance calls for the creation of a Green Economy Task Force. This body could be sponsored by the Northern Ireland Executive and include representatives from the business community.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance supports the principle of the United Kingdom's entry into the Euro at the earliest appropriate opportunity governed by the economic convergence criteria. We do recognise that those criteria do not clearly exist at present.

Alliance will support measures to develop and reinforce the Single Market. All member states should be encouraged to comply with their obligations.

Alliance supports an enhanced role of the European Union in financial regulation. The recent economic recession was partially international in nature and efforts to prevent a repeat are required at the European level in addition to domestic action.

Alliance will support reform of the Common Agricultural Policy to ensure a long term sustainable agriculture sector, through shifting support from production and export subsidies towards diversification, conservation and rural development.

Alliance will work towards a co-ordinated European effort to fight organised crime and terrorism. Organised criminals and terrorists do not respect national borders. Therefore collaboration across borders by states and regions is essential.

Alliance will support the maintenance of the UK's participation within the European Arrest Warrant and the European Police Office (EUROPOL).

Alliance will support the further enlargement of the European Union, including the membership of Turkey.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance would support measures to allow parents more flexibility around maternity and paternity leave. This would enable mothers and fathers to determine the most effective balance to fit their own family and work circumstances.

Alliance will work to provide well resourced childcare provision. There are successful childcare voucher employer/employee tax incentive schemes that we will promote and implement with sufficient funding.

Requiring concerted government action to improve relations with other groups, such as ethnic minorities and the LGBT community.

Alliance Councillors will push to make sure your community is as clean as possible. This will mean using our position on the Council to push for:

More street-sweepers to keep our streets tidier, including making sure they are out and about more at busier times.

Investment in graffiti removal, prioritising sectarian or other offensive graffiti which intimidates as well as looks ugly.

Introducing new techniques to reduce dog-fouling as well as providing more dog waste bins.

Campaigning for more litter bins on our streets where they are needed.

Alliance is also committed to increasing the number and accessibility of nursery places in Northern Ireland.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance would replace the current 'First-Past-the-Post' electoral system with the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system of Proportional Representation. A plurality electoral system, such as 'First-Past-the-Post', does not produce fair and representative outcomes in a diverse society.

Alliance will support 'Votes at 16'. Young people have a stake in society. They can pay taxes and participate in the services. It is inconsistent to deny young people the right to have their say in the future.

Alliance believes that the House of Lords should be replaced by a mixed elected and appointed second chamber. The principle of inherited representation is wrong. However, there is a case for a second chamber to act as a balance to the House of Commons.

Elected representatives could be elected by Proportional Representation from the 12 regions of the UK, including Northern Ireland.

Alliance will support the introduction of a register of lobbyists at Westminster. This is vital to assist in creating greater transparency.

Further to this, there should be an interval before former government ministers are allowed to become lobbyists.

Alliance will support a cap on the level of donations to political parties from individual sources. The initial level of a cap should be around £10,000 per annum.

Alliance will support the consideration of a system whereby electors can recall an MP in the event of major breaches of code of conduct and law.

Alliance MPs would be full-time and will support further action against 'double-jobbing'. Future legislation could bar MPs from holding other public offices, and also working in other jobs and professions or engaging in consultancy beyond a set number of hours annualised.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance is committed to a National Health Service that is free to all at the point of entr y.

Alliance stresses the importance of investment in public health and prevention. In particular bearing in mind that the incidence of mental health problems is much higher in Northern Ireland than the UK-average, we are committed to the full implementation of the recommendations of the Bamford Review.

We would address the structural underfunding of mental health services, particularly with respect to children and young people.

Alliance is further conscious of the inadequate system of social care of our senior citizens in Northern Ireland, as in the rest of the United Kingdom.

We have a longstanding commitment to free personal care. It is wrong that people are forced into selling their homes to fund their care. Alliance would also welcome a UK-wide Commission to study this issue.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

We believe that there is a difficult balance to be struck between keeping the rates as low as possible and funding quality public services. However, we believe that all people should pay their fair share of the district (and regional) rate by removing the cap that stops the owners of the wealthiest properties from paying the same percentage rate as everyone else.

Alliance advocates the following elements as part of a Northern Ireland Green New Deal:

Energy efficiency in homes and businesses - this involves incentives and regulations to encourage the installation of such measures, including 'smart meters' and home insulation.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance recognises that immigration must be regulated in order to be fair, but is opposed to a mindset of 'pulling up the drawbridge' and shutting the UK off from a globalising world.

There is a need for formal exit controls to capture numbers leaving in order to complement information on those who have arrived.

Alliance would change the rules to make it easier to get a work permit for those who are willing to go and live in a part of the United Kingdom that is short of workers. This would encourage newcomers to live where they are needed.

Alliance supports a points-based system, linked to skills, as the least worst of all the alternatives for regulating legal immigration. We are opposed to an arbitrary cap that has been proposed by some, such as the Conservative and Unionists.

There is a need for a stronger safety net for immigrants when they lose employment.

Alliance is keen to attract students to study in UK Further and Higher Education Colleges. However, there is a need for stronger checks to ensure that this avenue is not abused.

Alliance would support measures to allow asylum seekers in certain circumstances to work two months after making an application and benefits would only be paid if they could not find work. This would reduce spending on benefits, increase tax revenue, help integration, lower community tensions and greatly reduce dependence on welfare and social housing.

Alliance would advocate taking responsibility away from the Home Office and give it to an independent agency, thus making decisions free from political influence. Currently 25% of decisions are overturned on appeal.

Alliance would allow people who have been in the United Kingdom, including Northern Ireland for 10 years, have a clean record and who want to live here long-term to earn citizenship thus allowing immigration services to focus their time deporting dangerous individuals and checking up on employers to stop illegal working.

Alliance believes that the priority for deportation should be on criminals, while letting law-abiding families earn citizenship.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance believes that green transport options should be pursued as a priority alongside other modes of transport. That is why we will support Councils adopting sustainable travel plans that make it easier for cyclists and walkers to get about town and will include advance planning about new bus routes.

We will especially promote safe cycle routes and storage and suitable pavements and road crossings to encourage walking.

Alliance will lobby for a revised Aviation Strategy for the United Kingdom. Aviation policy is not currently devolved to the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance would oppose Conservative and Unionist plans for a £3 a week marriage tax credit . The tax system is not the appropriate mechanism to promote so-called family values. Every family is different, and instead of creating rigid rules or special policies that help some families and not others, measures should be put in place that address poverty and lack of opportunities.

Alliance will work towards the eradication of pensioner poverty. We would support increasing the basic state pension, paid alongside other existing entitlements, to provide some financial stability for all.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance will support the introduction of a standard minimum wage from the age of 16. This reflects our commitment to fairness and non-discrimination.

Alliance would support measures to allow parents more flexibility around maternity and paternity leave. This would enable mothers and fathers to determine the most effective balance to fit their own family and work circumstances.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Alliance strongly supports a successful comprehensive Climate Change agreement . The limited agreement from the Copenhagen Summit is be followed-up at talks in Bonn and Mexico.

We also support for the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development.

Alliance supports the UK Government meeting and maintaining the United Nations target of 0.7% of GDP for international development aid and assistance. We further encourage the use of the UN Development Programme's Human Development Index to measure the quality of life in countries. Alliance will continue to oppose tying aid to trade.

Alliance calls for co-ordinated action led by the United Kingdom to realise the UN's Millennium Development Goals.

Structural changes in the developing world, such as investment in primary education, are vital to remove the dependency on short-term aid and relief.

We also urge the continuation and advancement of international leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS. We must put our efforts into education and preventive programmes.

Alliance advocates an open and fair international trading system. We would call in particular on the industrialised world, including the EU and the USA, to lead the way towards a more broad-based economic model to ensure that economic disasters can be mitigated.

Alliance supports fair trade initiatives. We are committed to promoting the welfare of workers in the developing world and ensuring fair prices for products.

Alliance endorses the introduction of a small tax on international financial transactions, such as the proposed 'Tobin Tax' . Organised multilaterally, the proceeds would fund international development.

Source: Alliance party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

We will protect the Small Business Bonus, ensuring £450 million of support for the small businesses that form the lifeblood of local economies. The small business bonus has saved jobs in the downturn and create jobs in the recovery.

Food & Drink - We know this is an area of huge potential for Scotland and we will work to deliver higher value for Scottish food producers and further increase revenues and exports.

Government must not stand in the way of farm and rural businesses and so we will further co-ordinate inspections as we work towards a one visit approach.

We'll keep the Small Business Bonus, so 80,000 Scottish businesses continue to pay no rates or lower rates. The Small Business Bonus has protected local jobs in the downturn and will create jobs as our economy recovers.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Our commitment is to keep the 1000 extra police in our communities. We know this is essential if we are to keep crime rates falling.

Taking more ill-gotten gains from the criminals - We are extending the Cashback for Communities scheme. The law is being changed to let us take more money from more criminals and that extra cash will be invested in our communities.

We will introduce new Serious Crime Prevention Orders allowing us to restrict the activities of people involved in serious and organised crime.

We all know that cheap booze is a root cause of too much crime and anti-social behaviour. Our plans for minimum pricing will reduce the flow of the cheap alcohol and make our town centres and neighbourhoods safer and more pleasant places to live.

We will extend the successful schemes that have seen a 30% reduction in knife crime in Scotland since 2007 and support the ground-breaking police efforts to tackle gang violence.

The SNP supports effective tools such as the European arrest Warrant.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

The Scottish National Party (SNP) is challenging the UK parties to make a commitment against cuts to conventional defence spending, manpower and bases in Scotland.

Our opposition to the Trident nuclear missile s y stem and its planned replacement remains firm - there is no place for these weapons in Scotland and we will continue to press the UK government to scrap Trident and cancel its replacement.

Conference calls for a Scottish Defence Review to look at all aspects of defence policy, from strategy to the structure of the armed forces, funding and equipment; notes that past reviews have failed to properly anticipate new trends and circumstances; expresses concern that more than 9,500 defence jobs have been lost in Scotland since Labour came to power in 1997, as well as a litany of base closures and regimental amalgamations; further expresses concern that, between 2002 and 2006 alone, the total accumulated defence underspend in Scotland - ie comparing our share of UK defence spending with population share - was a mammoth £4.363 billion; notes that Scottish taxpayers are disproportionately contributing huge sums towards the UK Ministry of Defence, at the same time as the UK's conventional defence footprint in Scotland is disappearing at an unprecedented rate; believes that the analysis of a Scottish Defence Review would demonstrate the modern benefits and opportunities offered by independence.


Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

SNP oppose the plans outlined in the Infrastructure Bill that would allow oil & gas drilling, and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) underneath peoples homes without consent.

Support for an international bank tax, as well as limits to industry bonuses.

We will protect the Small Business Bonus, ensuring £450 million of support for the small businesses that form the lifeblood of local economies. The small business bonus has saved jobs in the downturn and create jobs in the recovery.

We will provide support for 125,000 modern apprenticeships over the lifetime of the Parliament and a commitment that every 16-19 year old in Scotland not in work, part of a Modern Apprenticeship scheme or receiving education is offered a learning or training opportunity.

At a time of inflation, higher VAT and sky-high fuel prices we will continue to protect family budgets here in Scotland by freezing the Council Tax.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

We will introduce a new Early Years Fund so we can expand community based provision for pre-school and the very earliest years of life.

We are committed to a new phase of school building across Scotland as we work to lift all Scottish school children out of the worst condition schools.

We want to see local schools and their communities take more responsibility for our children's education. That will mean, for example, a greater role for head teachers.

We are bringing in a new legal limit on primary 1 classes in August and are committed to a progressive reduction in class sizes starting with the early years.

We are committed to maintaining this better teacher-pupil ratio and over time improving it.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Tough action against corporate polluters.

Public accountability of the oil companies.

No return to nuclear energy, close all nuclear plants.

Stop the import and export of nuclear waste and the dumping of it on third world countries.

The introduction of clean-burn technologies into fossil fuelled power stations.

Increased public investment to make homes energy efficient.

Bring the water industry back into public ownership under democratic control; invest in a clean-up of rivers lakes and sea.

High quality recycling facilities to maximise recycling, no new incinerators.

Stop the commercial use of GM foods; a moratorium on trials pending further research.

We will build on the popular and effective Climate Challenge fund to encourage more towns, villages, neighbourhoods or streets to come together to make their community a low carbon community.

We will introduce Green Skills Academies, to ensure we have the right green skills mix for the future.

We will plant millions of new trees, protect our peatlands and protect and expand our marine carbon sinks as ways of rebalancing Scotland's carbon account.

Emergency steps to reduce the use of fossil fuels, alongside massively increased investment in sustainable energy including solar, biological and wind and wave power.

Scotland is leading the world in offshore renewable technologies and the SNP will continue to support the rapid growth of this sector. The National Renewables Infrastructure Fund will help leverage private investment into Renewables, part of over £200 million of investment in Renewables.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

We will seek to: Improve the internal market and promote sustainable Scottish jobs

Maximise the opportunities for Scottish companies

Co-operate with other countries on organised crime and terrorism

Promote progressive policies to help build better societies

Help Scottish citizens to live and work across the EU

We will not seek membership of either the Eurozone or the Schengen area. We will retain sterling as our currency and remain a member of the common Travel area.

The SNP will work with other progressive voices in the European Parliament to ensure that economic recovery is built on a strong foundation of social justice.

We believe that workers’ rights should be safeguarded and that equality should be at the heart of all EU policy.

The SNP will work to promote EU policies aimed at improving the lives of Scotland’s younger generations.

Legislation should be passed by the EU to complete the single market and remove remaining trade barriers between member states. We are particularly keen that Scottish businesses are able to benefit from the freedom to provide services but are equally convinced that public services should remain free from a privatisation agenda.

We believe that the EU should be ambitious in driving forward initiatives on environmental protection and climate change, with the role of member states enhanced. There should be greater flexibility in target setting and coherence across policies.

We are seeking structural reform of the Emissions Trading System and want to encourage EU action on developing new technologies such as offshore wind, marine energy, carbon capture and storage, and energy storage in general.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

At a time of inflation, higher VAT and sky-high fuel prices we will continue to protect family budgets here in Scotland by freezing the Council Tax.

We have also removed prescription charges, saving people with long-term health conditions £180.

We support a rapid expansion of high speed broadband across Scotland so that people in rural Scotland can share fully in the digital age.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

We are protecting spending in the NHS over the next few years - with an additional £826 million to the health revenue budget, allowing us to continue efforts to improve healthcare in Scotland.

We will deliver an 18 week referral to treatment standard, ensuring prompt and effective diagnosis.

One stop cancer diagnosis - As part of our plans to ensure shorter cancer waiting times.

We have set up a new watchdog to keep our wards clean and will use this to build on the recent big falls in hospital acquired infections.

More flexible access to healthcare - We want services to more closely reflect the realities of family and working life.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

We have reaffirmed our commitment to social housing and thanks to support from the Scottish Government; councils are now building more houses than at any time since the early 1990s.

We intend to build 30,000 new homes over the lifetime of this Parliament.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

The SNP would allow a devolved government to have complete control over immigration into Scotland, and to introduce a system similar to Canada to attract highly-skilled immigrants.

While the Scottish Government wants to see Scotland with a positive and effective immigration policy- as things stand we are hamstrung by the policies of a Westminster establishment engaged in a race to the right in an attempt to outflank UKIP and which is putting economic growth and our international reputation at risk as a result. - SNP MSP Christian Allard

Scotland needs an immigration policy which suits our economic needs, and keeps up with the likes of Canada, Australia, Germany and New Zealand who all have explicit strategies to bring in talent to the benefit of their economies. - SNP home affairs spokesperson Pete Wishard MP.

The Scottish National Party say they would 'celebrate' more people arriving from overseas, reversing what they claim is years of 'depopulation'.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

A cheap and integrated transport system to provide an alternative to car use, making the current road-building programme unnecessary.

End the £9 billion tax-break to the airlines.

We will invest in the electrification of the central Scotland rail network, reducing journey times between Glasgow and Edinburgh to just over 30 minutes.

Our investment in the rail network will deliver shorter journey times between Scotland's cities including faster times from Inverness and Aberdeen to the central belt and journeys of just over 30 minutes from Glasgow to Edinburgh.

Work will soon start on the crucial Forth Replacement Crossing. This is an essential project for Scotland's economy and will also create thousands of new jobs.

We are increasing the budgets for low carbon transport and will support the creation of the infrastructure for electric vehicles and continue to expand the number of 'park and rides'.

Improvements for commuters - Our actions are designed to make the commute easier for thousands of Scots with faster and more frequent rail services into our major cities and improvements to our road network to remove bottlenecks.

We will begin the electrification of much of Scotland's rail network, delivering big carbon savings and with faster journey times encouraging more Scots to leave the car behind.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

We will provide support for 125,000 modern apprenticeships over the lifetime of the Parliament and a commitment that every 16-19 year old in Scotland not in work, part of a Modern Apprenticeship scheme or receiving education is offered a learning or training opportunity.

We'll deliver 100,000 training opportunities each year for young Scots, including 25,000 modern apprenticeships.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

We will continue to support the work of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his efforts through the Nuclear Weapons Convention to eradicate nuclear, chemical and biological weapons across the planet.

Scotland has responsibilities in the wider world and so we will continue and protect our current level of investment in international development. We are proud of the work under taken through our International Development Fund. It is making a difference to the lives of many people across the world. We will increase our efforts to support developing nations as they respond to the challenges of climate change. We have heard the calls from many for Scotland to create a Climate Adaptation Fund. Given the pressures on the Scottish Government's budget we will work with partners in business, charitable foundations and non-governmental organisations so we can co-ordinate efforts to build a Scotland-wide climate adaptation fund.

We will continue to update and implement our China and South Asia engagement plans with a focus on business, trade, education, culture, science and tourism.

We will also seek an enhanced role for Scotland in Europe including through the Scotland Europa Office in Brussels and continue to support the effective network of SDI offices.

Source: Scottish National party website, existing manifesto or officially-published policies.

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© Copyright 2014/2025 Who Shall I Vote For? and Chris Haycock Policy scoring algorithm updated 07 March 2025 at 20:57